Public involvement is an interactive process that allows stakeholders to share important input on solutions that address the community’s concerns.
The Community Advisory Group, or CAG, is a group of volunteer stakeholders that represents the community and functions as a liaison between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the public. The Community Advisory Group will convene throughout the study to share issues and concerns, as well as identify and evaluate potential alternatives and solutions.
The Community Advisory Group, or CAG, is a group of volunteer stakeholders that represents the community and functions as a liaison between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the public. The Community Advisory Group will convene throughout the study to share issues and concerns, as well as identify and evaluate potential alternatives and solutions.
CAG Meeting #3 | April 25, 2023
CAG members joined in-person for an update on the project's progress and status, a summary of Public Information Meeting #2 community feedback on the study's developed range of alternatives, and presentations of updated draft interchange alternatives and the study's Preferred Alternative. The meeting included CAG member review and feedback on exhibits showing the differences between the Roundabout and Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) alternatives, as well as US 20 median and intersection safety improvements east of Lambert Lane.
Meeting Materials
CAG Meeting #2 | June 29, 2022
CAG members joined both in-person and virtually for an introduction of the project’s problem statement and purpose and need, as well as initial study area alternatives. Members participated in a group discussion and provided significant feedback on options presented.
Meeting Materials
Exhibits - Draft Interchange Alternatives
CAG Meeting #1 | December 9, 2021
CAG members convened virtually for the first time to learn about their role in the US 20 at Shales Parkway Study and to share their perspectives on the existing community, transportation and environmental related concerns within the study area.